Thursday, November 16, 2006

SMART board Mania

Every classroom at C's school has one of these technological wonders.

I think I would have loved one of these in my high school trig class. Everytime I would be called to the board to solve an equation, I'd just have to wait a few minutes for the Windoze machine to crash and toss up the inevitable blue screen of death, then I could quietly go back to my seat while it rebooted.

I'm all for incorporating high tech into my daugher's quest to master the three R's, but I must not be the only person to have fond memories of dissecting an actual frog in biology class.

I smell a PETA conspiracy.

At the very least they could pass out scratch and sniff stickers infused with formaldehyde.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I think I would have loved one of these in my high school trig class. Everytime I would be called to the board to solve an equation, I'd just have to wait a few minutes for the Windoze machine to crash and toss up the inevitable blue screen of death, then I could quietly go back to my seat while it rebooted."


I used to have to set these up for university faculty, who could NEVER figure out how they worked. Now I see the method in their madness: if they couldn't get the SmartBoard to work, they wouldn't have to stand there and try to teach a bunch of kids who would really rather be texting their friends in a classroom across campus, checking their email on their laptops, or just taking a good old-fashioned snooze in the back row. What a great scam!