As a collection, they're more than a hoot to read, and I went through 2 cups of java doing so. Here are some highlights I picked out, starting with one from the gift obsessed mind of my own 2nd grader...

For an explanation of who Franny and Newton are, click here.
Next up, a little girl wants a pony...with accessories. This is Oklahoma, after all.

Then there's the kid who is trying to get Santa to clean up his messy doin's.

Something tells me that this next kid is planning on practicing his rod-and-reelin', catch-and-release skills on his pet fish...

And doesn't there always seem to be one kid who wants a hippopotamus?

Reminds me of a trivial factoid I recently heard about this most excellent Christmas song making the regular rotation rounds on the easy listening station that's been playing all Christmas music-all the time since Thanksgiving.
Have a great Christmas, but be warned of the mess that moon sand makes.
After careful consideration, we decided that Santa didn't need to bring Moon Sand into our home, thank you very much, so it didn't make the cut.
Hannah Montana did..times 2. More on that later.
And the little battery operated remote helicopter was on my list as well, so of course, it made the list with spades.
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