In todays edition of our small towns local paper...file these items under "stuff you don't see in print much in So Cal."
Item #1
"Brock Boeckman, the 8-year old son of Bart and Dee Dee Boeckman, reported that he shot a seven-point buck on the opening day of deer season with his new rifle that he bought with his summer earnings from plowing."There are so many points in that last item that boggle my mind, I don't know where to start or how to elaborate. I'll just point them out for effect.
"...8-year old..."
Bart married a woman named Dee Dee
"...shot a seven-point buck"
"...opening day of deer season"
" rifle"
"...bought with his summer earnings from plowing."And before any PETAn's raise a stink, read this quote I found elsewhere in the same newspaper, under the heading,
Deer hunters share their harvest"
"Last year Oklahoma hunters donated 33,227 pounds of venison, that's more than 16 tons, to the Hunters Against Hunger program. That is enough meat to provide nutritious meals for nearly 133,000 people."Item #2
What sort of vehicle is your 5-year old wanting this Christmas? Bet it's not John Deere green?

The "work light" is my favorite item. I'm picturing a denim overall'd 5-year old named "Bobby" pulling over to the side of his play yard, getting out his worklight and using it to look down to see what his John Deere pedal tractor is hung up on.
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