"Bingbe" was our first ever family car. The first new car my wife had ever owned. The car we brought both our daughter's home from the hospital in, the car we took our first family road trips in, the car we took C to her first day of school in, the car that delivered us safely over the 1300 miles from LA to our new home in Oklahoma.
At the time, "Bingbe" was only 6-years old with less than 55,000 miles on her. Practically brand new for a Honda.
Friends and family have never seen the extent of damage done by the 16-year old in a 1/2-ton pick up, so as a tribute and memorium of sorts, I thought I'd post a photo taken of the car after the wreck.

The pick up that stopped "Bingbe" in his tracks could have been driven away -- had it not been laid out flat on it's side. It has since been repaired and I'm sure is back crusin' the country roads, with a hopefully more mature and aware teenager behind the wheel.

Them bowties are tough trucks.
Everyone OK?
All fine and dandy, but C still remembers the wreck and mentions it just about every time we pass by the scene of crime.
Her initial reaction was classic 5-year old...
"Daddy, did you know that we had balloons in our car?
good news, then.
I, as a teenager, was never a bad driver... oh wait, I did role mom and dad's '76 Corolla wagon into a 20' drainage ditch. Funny thing though, it wasn't there the first time I crossed it.
'fine and dandy'... are those OKI terms?
I love C's reaction to the airbags. It reminds me of what my friend Margaret said the first time she saw spilled motor oil shining in a puddle after a rain when we were about 4: "Look! A melted rainbow!"
The world looks so different through a munchkin's eyes. May we all remember how to see it that way.
Sorry about the car. I hope everyone is okay.
Well, since this was a year ago, we've all since recovered and have moved on.
But like a good dog, or favorite pocket knife, a family car is sad loss, no matter what the circumstances.
troll alert!
Gone, thanks for the heads up.
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