This blog entry is about sausage for sale.
Apparently, at only one time during the year, non-card carrying members of PETA can buy sausages and other animal products from a smiling FFA member. Future Farmers of America, to you and me.
Why blue and gold sausage?
Those happen to be the "flag" of what is an amazingly large group of agricultural gang bangers out here in America's Heartland.
I know, I know, FFA is everywhere, even in So Cal. But as I recall, the FFA kids who were showing their livestock at the most recent LA County Fair I attended, looked more like Fergie donning her London Bridge gear. A far cry from these FFA'ers posing with their beloved sausages in this recent newspaper clipping from our local paper.

C'mon. If you're going to clog your arteries and summon congestive heart failure at a rapid rate, why not do so with some pork products culled from the finest of the fine, bestest of the best livestock that the farmers of our future took home the blue ribbons for.
Put me down for several sausage logs and a couple pounds of bacon, please.
Ahhhh, Blue & Gold time! It's like Christmas and Fourth of July rolled into one!
Spoken (written?) like a true agri-citizen who holds the blue and gold sausage tradition near and dear to their heart.
That was too funny...even made me kinda homesick. Kinda.
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