A small parade down Main street, which unfortunately will not pass directly in front of our house. We have to walk up about a half block to get good seats. Bummer. I was hoping to be able to setup on our front porth to watch the parade. That would be too Americana for words.
C entered the 4th of July parade last year down in my in-laws small town. She won first prize with her Paul Revere-inspired costume and "yankee-doodle dandied" up bicycle that S made to look like a horse (complete with a painted up cardboard and plaster-of-paris head piece).
This year we'll just be spectators since it'll be our first fourth in our small town. Carnival, games, rides, and contests will take place at the largest park in town a few blocks away as well. C is hoping for a watermelon eating contest.
(Hold on, sarcasm coming) Weather should be nice for it.
Predicted temps will be in the high 90's with humidity in the 75% range due to a series of storms that are due to hit tonight and carry through to Saturday. Swell. Gotta make sure to "Deet'up."
To prep the city for the onslaught of visitors from the neighboring communities (25 - 50 people, maybe), the Chamber of Commerce is handing out patriotic bunting for homeowners to decorate the front of their homes with. We had our own, thanks, but if I did partake of this CofC freebie, would I have to return it....washed?
Our inflatable Uncle Sam awaits all comers to our small town festivties.

Whether he can stand up to the wind, rain, and hail of the impending storms, is yet to be seen.