Saturday, July 09, 2005

Can't go home again?

Today were entertaining visitors from So Cal. We met them while C attended a progressive/bohemian cooperative nursery school in the Glassel Park area.

Hubby and wifey are both from Oklahoma. Kids are all born and bred Los Angelenos. Oldest in 9, youngest is 3.

They tried to move back here last year. Rented a house and everything.

He's a freelance artist. She's a freelance writer. Young, progressive, liberal, semi-hippie.

They lasted one month.

Inspired by our grand excursion eastward, away from the bustling hustle of the big city, they requested a visit to our small town abode to discuss how we did it, how were doing it, and how we going to keep doing it.

Wonder how our lifestyle will hold up under the scrutiny?

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